Top Five Tips to Maximise your Workouts

Pilates Blog

For many of us, fitting in the time to exercise regularly can be a challenge.

Squeezed somewhere between work, family and social commitments, the last thing you want to do is waste any of those precious minutes on ineffective exercise. Whatever your workout goals are, you need to make the most of every minute you dedicate to exercise to really maximise the benefits for both your body and mind.

At Balanze we understand! Here are our top tips to help you make every minute count.

1. Find an exercise you love

There’s no point forcing yourself to do something you don’t enjoy. Not only are you giving yourself very little chance of sticking with it, you are missing out on a very important part of exercising – feeling good!

If you hate running (no matter how many times you try), be honest with yourself and look for something you enjoy instead.

With a focus on how your body is feeling, Pilates and yoga could be just the thing you need to replace your hate-hate relationship with exercise into a love-love one.

2. Discover the morning multiplier effect

By doing some exercises that activate key muscle groups in the morning you can work smarter – not harder.

Increase your body awareness and activate your glutes first thing and you will actually continue to use these muscles more effectively thoughout the day. Don’t be surprised if getting up and down out of chair suddenly feels like a squat.

After a morning Pilates workout, you will notice that your posture is better and you are moving more efficiently for the rest of the day.

3. Be inspired by the people around you

Having inspiring people around you will prompt you to exercise more often. Research shows that you’ll enjoy your workouts more if you exercise regularly… and that the benefits will the flow over into a more healthy lifestyle overall.

By practicing in our studio, you will become a member of our community. We offer tea after classes, as well as workshops, mini retreats and brekkies so that you can support and inspire one another, sharing your journey and achievements in our Claremont studio and beyond.

Our instructors love practicing Pilates and yoga as much as teaching it and it shows! Their passion, together with your willingness to have a go, are a key part of what make the workouts fun and effective.

4. Focus on your form and individual needs

At Balanze, we’ll correct your Pilates and yoga technique to help you access target muscles effectively and build from a strong foundation. Be empowered by the experts – we have the experience to identify and show you what exercises will be beneficial for your body.

We’ll also increase the difficulty over time to challenge you and ensure you keep getting the most out of your practice. Share your goals with us and we’ll tailor our classes to help you achieve them.

5. Realise that your only limit is you

This is one of our favourite mantras at Balanze. Set yourself body or mind goals and over time you will surprise yourself at what you can achieve.

We believe that, with 1,000 repetitions you become good at a task and with 9,000 you become an expert. Set goals, work consistently towards them and you will both see and feel the difference.

Want to start maximising your workout routine? If working out to feel not only stronger but also more confident sounds good to you, book a Pilates or yoga class at Balanze today!